Seven Heavens
Scientists have just confirmed the existence of Dark Matter. This mysterious Dark Matter is invisible however it provides the bulk of gravity that holds galaxies (not the regular matter that forms stars and planets). This invisible Dark Matter has weird collision properties (collisionless). Simply put: we cannot see Dark Matter nor collide with it but we can detect its gravity.
With each cluster having a mass of 10,000 galaxies (each cluster a quadrillion times the mass of the Sun, 1015!!!) (See: Universe Today). However upon impact, instead of disintegrating into smaller pieces, they passed through each other unscathed! This means that they did not collide with each other either! They simply passed through each other!!!
In order to explain why this invisible Dark Matter neither collided with each other, nor did it collide with us but still we detected its gravity, physicists and cosmologists are working on theories with extra dimensions:
“This means that the world at very small scales is not made up of particles living in three spacial dimensions, but perhaps strings and branes living in nine dimensions. String theories are the most active area of research in physics today…”
“Gravity, Black Holes, and the Very Early Universe”; T.Chow, Springer 2008 (p. 108)
Traditionally scientists thought that we live in a four dimensional universe: Time and the usual three spatial dimensions of length, width and height (x,y,z). However today there is evidence for six extra spatial dimensions. So we cannot see nor collide with this Dark Matter because it is mass in the remaining six extra dimensions.
According to the Quran, we cannot see nor collide with Jinn but they have weight:
[Quran 55.31] We [Allah] will settle your affair, both you of weight (man and jinn)
The Jinn have weight means that we can detect their gravity and they can detect our gravity. So according to the Quran we cannot see the Jinn nor collide with them but we can detect their gravity.
Just as the Jinn is of different type that we cannot see nor collide with but we can detect their gravity, there are six other Heavens that we cannot see nor collide with either but we can detect their gravity, superimposed above the visible one:
[Quran 41.12] So [Allah] decreed them as seven heavens (one above the other) in two days and revealed to each heaven its orders. And We [Allah] adorned the lowest heaven with lights, and protection. Such is the decree of the Exalted; the Knowledgeable.
According to the Quran, only the lowest heaven has visible light. This means that this Dark Matter exists in the six Heavens superimposed above the lowest one. Also according to the Quran, each of these remaining six Heavens is of a different type and each has its own planets like Earth:
[Quran 65.12] Allah is the one who created seven Heavens and from Earth like them (of corresponding type); [Allah’s] command descends among them so that you may know that Allah is capable of anything and that Allah knows everything.
Earth is not a unique planet in Islam. Other planets like Earth do exist throughout the other six Heavens. It is just that we cannot see them nor collide with them but we can detect their gravity.
General relativity predicted gravitational lensing, that is, the gravitational field generated by a galaxy causes the light passing through it to bend (change direction). Dark Matter does not emit any light but scientists can still map its location by using gravitational lensing, that is, by detecting where light is bending in places where it shouldn’t. In the above image and video light gets bent by invisible Dark Matter in places where it shouldn’t: Moslems say that this is how God challenges nonbelievers to detect the remaining six superimposed Heavens:
[Quran 67.3-4] [Allah] is the one who created seven superimposed Heavens “سبع سموات طباق”. You do not see variations in the formations of the Compassionate, so redirect your sight, do you see any creation (Futtur in Arabic فطور)? Then redirect your sight again, your vision returns to you in defeat and regret.
Futtur in Arabic فطور means creation out of nothing (it does not mean “rip”). “redirect your sight” this is light changing direction!!! How could an illiterate man who lived 1400 years have known that light could change direction? How could he have known about Dark Matter and Gravitational Lensing?
From a physics point of view, we are not living in a “Universe” but rather in a “Multiverse”; several universes superimposed above each other. Gravity is the only thing shared between these parallel universes:
Extra dimensions are tiny and curled up at each point in space. To envision a single extra dimension imagine the ant in the above video shrinking billions of times. Then this ant becomes small enough for transition to the extra circular dimension (like a roller coaster):
However instead of one extra circular dimension there are six dimensions and not necessarily circular; but they are all curled up at each point in space. The ant would encounter multiple routes like this:
As long as the ant remains in any of those extra dimensions we would not be able to see the ant nor collide with it but we would still detect its gravity. In M-Theory the Dark Mater is not only mass in other dimensions but they are in parallel universes (where the laws of physics might not be the same as ours). The only thing shared among those superimposed parallel universes is gravity. Add our universe to those parallel universes you get the Multiverse
On the other hand God swears by the heaven that has weaves:
[Quran 51.7] And the heaven that has weaves (Hubuk in Arabic).
Hubuk is plural of Habka which means a weave. Doesn’t the route that this ant need to take look like a weave? Of course. Actually those Seven Heavens (Multiverse) are parallel universes woven together (literally).
God also swears that someday we will travel to one of those extra dimensions:
[Quran 84.16-18] I swear by the afterglow of sunset… You will ride one layer from another layer.(لتركبن طبقا عن طبق)
Here “Tabak طبق” is a noun meaning “a layer”. The adjective “Tibak طباق” means “superimposed” and is used in describing the seven heavens “سبع سموات طباق”. The superimposed heavens in the Quran are the extra spatial dimensions in modern physics. In all 5 versions of String Theory there are 10 dimensions: “Time” plus the usual three spatial dimensions (x,y,z) plus six extra spatial dimensions making a total of ten dimensions (1 time + 9 spatial = 10 dimensions). Other competing theories like M-Theory has one extra spatial dimension (making the total 11 dimensions), however this extra spatial dimension is for the description of strings themselves (whether a string is a one-dimensional object like a thread, or whether a string is a rolled up two-dimensional membrane like a tube). In any case, in all currently competing theories, this Dark Matter is strings vibrating in six extra spatial dimensions.
Today we are sure that we are not living in a “Universe” but rather in a “Multiverse”. No physicist today believes that we are living in the three-dimensional universe of the Christian Bible (where not even time is a dimension!). Moslems ask how could an illiterate man who lived 1400 years have known that we are living in a Multiverse?