‘Prelasci – povratak na Islam’
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Blairova svastika Booth: Palestinci su me ponukali da pređem na islam
Wednesday, August 6th, 2014Svastika bivšeg britanskog premijera i predstavnika Bliskoistočne četvorke Tonyja Blaira Laurent Booth je 2010. godine primila islam, a u intervjuu za Anadolu Agency (AA) je kazala da su na tu njenu odluku mnogo uticaja imala njena putovanja u Palestinu i hrabro držanje palestinskog naroda.
Četrdesetsedmogodišnja Laurent Booth je mlađa sestra Blairove supruge Cherie, a pažnju javnosti privukla je oštrim kritikama Izraela i SAD-a zbog njihovog odnosa spram napada u Pojasu Gaze. (more…)
Od islamomrzca do muslimana
Friday, March 8th, 2013Vodeći član desno orijentisane stranke holandskog političara Geert Wildersa prešao je na islam nakon opsežnog proučavanja islama i muslimana.
‘Dobrodošli mojih 10.000 pratilaca”, objavio je 4. marta na svom Twitter nalogu Arnoud van Doorn. Dva dana kasnije dobio je više od 13.300 pratilaca na ovoj društvenoj mreži. Razlog iznenadne popularnosti počiva na tome da je ovaj lokalni političar, islamomrzac, prijatelj i pristalica desno orijentiranog političara Geerta Wildersa, prešao na islam. Od tada ga na hiljade muslimana slijedi na Twitteru. (more…)
Odgovori koje trazimo
Monday, May 28th, 2012Veoma interesantan video, u njemu se mogu naci neki odgovori koje mnogi od nas traze ceo zivot…
Yusuf Estes, gostovanje na hriscanskoj televiziji
Yusuf Estes, hriscanski svestenik…
Saturday, November 5th, 2011My own personal story begins on the Texas/Mexican border in December of 1990. I was born a white, Anglo-Saxon Protestant and at that time I was working very actively toward preaching “Born Again” Christianity to anyone and everyone that would listen. I was definitely NOT LOOKING FOR ISLAM. In fact, religious leaders of Christianity and Judaism would have us believe, that Islam is a cult of some kind with the followers worshipping a black box in the desert and kissing the ground five times a day. Additionally, we have been programmed by the media to classify most Muslims as “terrorists,” “highjackers” and “kidnappers.” So why would anyone even look at Islam???
Sta te sprecava da prihvatis islam
Wednesday, October 19th, 2011Biblija me dovela do islama
Wednesday, October 19th, 2011Švicarski političar Daniel Streich
Friday, June 10th, 2011Švicarski političar Daniel Streich, koji je bio poznat po svojoj kampanji protiv gradnje minareta i džamija, je prešao na islam. Streich je naveo da je studirao islam, da bi što spremniji mogao ući u bitku protiv islama, ali mu je tim studiranjem islam prirastao za srce.
On je bio ključni član SVP, Švicarske narodne stranke, i prvi koji je počeo kampanju protiv izgradnje džamija i munara, koji je htio da se zatvore džamije u Švicarskoj. Vijest o njegovom prelasku na islam uznemirila je duhove u švicarskoj politici. (more…)
Princ Charles: ”Slijedite put Islama radi spašavanja svijeta!”
Friday, June 10th, 2011Britanski princ Charles juče je pozvao svijet da slijedi ”duhovne principe” Islama kako bi se zaštitila prirodna okolina, piše londonski Daily Mail.
U govoru dugom sat vremena, nasljednik krune argumentirao je da je čovjekovo uništenje svijeta u suprotnosti za zapisima svih vjera – ali posebno onih Islama.
On je rekao da je trenutna ”podjela” između čovjeka i prirode uzrokovana ne samo industrijalizacijom, nego takođe i našim stavom prema prirodnoj okolini – koji je suprotan plodovima ”svetih tradicija”. (more…)
Nicolas Anelka
Friday, June 10th, 2011Nicolas Sebastien Anelka (French pronunciation: [nikɔla anɛlka]; born 14 March 1979) is a French international footballer who plays as a striker for English Premier League club Chelsea. Anelka was also a regular starter for the French national team. Former Chelsea manager Carlo Ancelotti has described him as a quick player with good aerial ability, technique, shooting, and movement off the ball.
Anelka began his career at Paris Saint-Germain, but soon moved to Arsenal. He became a first team regular and won the PFA Young Player of the Year Award the following season. Real Madrid signed him for £22.3 million in 1999, a record fee at the time, but he did not settle in well and returned to Paris Saint-Germain in a £20 million deal. Despite regular first team football in Paris, Anelka set his eyes upon the Premier League once more; he went on loan to Liverpool in January 2002 but joined Manchester City for £13 million at the start of the 2002–03 season.
After discussing religion with some childhood friends, Anelka converted to Islam in 2004 in the United Arab Emirates, taking the Muslim name of Abdul-Salam Bilal. Initially, Anelka considered leaving European football to play in the UAE: “I am ready to stay here and to play for a club in the Emirates. I am not keen to go back to England or France.” However, this did not come to pass and he briefly moved to Turkey instead.
Myke Tyson
Friday, June 10th, 2011Michael Gerard “Mike” Tyson (born June 30, 1966) is a retired American boxer. Tyson was the undisputed heavyweight champion and holds the record as the youngest boxer to win the WBC, WBA and IBF world heavyweight titles. He won the WBC title when he was 20 years, 4 months and 22 days old, after defeating Trevor Berbick by a TKO in the second round. Throughout his career, Tyson became well-known for his ferocious and intimidating boxing style as well as his controversial behavior both inside and outside the ring.
He was the first heavyweight boxer to hold the WBA, WBC and IBF titles simultaneously. Tyson is considered to have been one of the better heavyweight boxers of all time.[1] He is also the only Heavyweight boxer to individually unify the WBC, WBA and IBF titles.
Under Indiana law, a defendant convicted of a felony must begin serving his prison sentence immediately after the sentence is imposed. On March 26, he was given a sentence of 10 years, six in prison and four on probation.[51] He was assigned to the Indiana Youth Center (now the Plainfield Correctional Facility) in April 1992.[52] and he was released in March 1995 after serving three years.[53] During his incarceration, Tyson converted to Islam.[54] On July 2, 2010 he visited Mecca to perform the Umrah (Minor Islamic pilgrimage).[55]
Michael Jackson
Friday, June 10th, 2011Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009) was an American recording artist, dancer, singer-songwriter, musician, and philanthropist. Referred to as the King of Pop, Jackson is recognized as the most successful entertainer of all time by Guinness World Records. His contribution to music, dance, and fashion, along with a much-publicized personal life, made him a global figure in popular culture for over four decades. The seventh child of the Jackson family, he debuted on the professional music scene along with his brothers as a member of The Jackson 5, then the Jacksons in 1964, and began his solo career in 1971.
In the early 1980s, Jackson became a dominant figure in popular music. The music videos for his songs, including those of “Beat It”, “Billie Jean”, and “Thriller”, were credited with transforming the medium into an art form and a promotional tool, and the popularity of these videos helped to bring the relatively new television channel MTV to fame. Videos such as “Black or White” and “Scream” made him a staple on MTV in the 1990s. Through stage performances and music videos, Jackson popularized a number of dance techniques, such as the robot and the moonwalk, to which he gave the name. His distinctive musical sound and vocal style have influenced numerous hip hop, pop, contemporary R&B, and rock artists.
Friday, June 10th, 2011Zinedine Zidane (French pronunciation: [zinedin zidan]) (born 23 June 1972) is a retired French footballer. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest players of all time.[3][4][5] Zidane played for major club teams in France, Italy and Spain, and was the captain of the French national team. He was the iconic figure of a generation of French players that won the 1998 World Cup and 2000 European Championship. After a brief international retirement, he returned to the national team in 2005 and captained France to the 2006 World Cup Final where he won the Golden Ball as the tournament’s most outstanding player.
At club level Zidane won the La Liga and the UEFA Champions League with Real Madrid, two Serie A league championships with Juventus, an Intercontinental Cup, and a UEFA Super Cup each with both aforementioned sides. He is, alongside Brazilian striker Ronaldo, the only three-time FIFA World Player of the Year winner; he also won the Ballon d’Or in 1998. He retired from professional football after the 2006 World Cup.
Muhamed Ali
Friday, June 10th, 2011Muhammad Ali (born Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr.; January 17, 1942) is an American former boxer and three-time World Heavyweight Champion, who is widely considered one of the greatest heavyweight boxers of all time. As an amateur, he won a gold medal in the light heavyweight division at the 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome.[1] After turning professional, he went on to become the first boxer to win the lineal heavyweight championship three times.
Originally known as Cassius Clay, Ali changed his name after joining the Nation of Islam in 1964, subsequently converting to Sunni Islam in 1975. In 1967, Ali refused to be conscripted into the U.S. military, based on his religious beliefs and opposition to the Vietnam War. He was arrested and found guilty on draft evasion charges, stripped of his boxing title, and his boxing license was suspended. He was not imprisoned, but did not fight again for nearly four years while his appeal worked its way up to the U.S. Supreme Court, where it was successful.
Nicknamed “The Greatest”, Ali was involved in several historic boxing matches. Notable among these are three with rival Joe Frazier and one with George Foreman, whom he beat by knockout to win the world heavyweight title for the second time. He suffered only five losses (four decisions and one TKO by retirement from the bout) with no draws in his career, while amassing 56 wins (37 knockouts and 19 decisions).[2] Ali was well known for his unorthodox fighting style, which he described as “float like a butterfly, sting like a bee”, and employing techniques such as the rope-a-dope.[3] He was also known for his pre-match hype, where he would “trash talk” opponents on television and in person some time before the match, often with rhymes. These personality quips and idioms, along with an unorthodox fighting technique, made him a cultural icon. In later life, Ali developed Parkinson’s syndrome. In 1999, Ali was crowned “Sportsman of the Century” by Sports Illustrated and “Sports Personality of the Century” by the BBC.[4]
Albert Ajnstajn
Friday, June 10th, 2011Albert Einstein ( njemački izgovor? )(Ulm, 14. ožujka 1879. – Princeton, 18. travnja 1955.) bio je teorijski fizičar, jedan od najvećih umova i najznačajnijih ličnosti u povijesti svijeta.[1][2] Rođen je u 14. ožujka 1879. godine u Ulmu, u Njemačkoj, a preminuo je 18. travnja 1955. godine u Princetonu u New Jerseyju, u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama.
Albert Einstein formulirao je posebnu i opću teoriju relativnosti kojima je uveo revoluciju u modernu fiziku. Pored toga, doprinio je napretku kvantne teorije i statističke mehanike. Iako je najpoznatiji po teoriji relativnosti (posebno po ekvivalenciji mase i energije E=mc2), Nobelova nagrada za fiziku mu je dodijeljena 1921. godine za objašnjenje fotoelektričnog efekta (rada objavljenog 1905. u Anno Mirabile ili „Godini čuda“) kao i za doprinos razvoju teorijske fizike. U narodu, ime „Einstein“ je sinonim za čovjeka visoke inteligencije ili za genija.
Predmet njegovih istraživanja bile su kapilarne sile, posebna teorija relativnosti (kojom je ujedinio zakone mehanike i elektromagnetike), opća teorija relativnosti, kozmologija, statistička mehanika, Brownovo gibanje, kritična opalescencija, vjerojatnost elektronskih prijelaza u atomu, problemi probabilističke interpretacije kvantne teorije, termodinamika svjetlosti pri maloj gustoći zračenja, fotoelektrični efekt, fotoluminiscencija, fotoionizacija, Voltin efekt, stimulirana emisija zračenja, ujedinjene teorije polja, unifikacija bazičnih fizikalnih koncepata preko njihove geometrizacije itd.
Malcom X
Friday, June 10th, 2011Malcolm X ili pravim imenom Malcolm Little rođen je u mjestu Omaha u saveznoj državi Nebraska 1925. godine. U Malcomovom ranom djetinstvu porodica se seli u Lansing u saveznu državu Michigan. Još dok je Malcolm bio dijete oca mu je usmrtio vozač osobnog automobila dok je Malcomov otac pretrčavao cestu. Kako Malcolmova majka, nakon što joj je muž poginuo, nije mogla puno učiniti za sina o njemu su se brinuli stariji brat i sestra. Malcolm je započeo život sitnog kriminalca. U dobi od 12 godina postao je štićenik Doma za nezbrinutu djecu države Michigan. Kada je napunio 17 godina pušten je iz doma. Potom se zaposlio u putničkom vlaku kao perač posuđa na putničkoj liniji iz Michingena ka Washington D.C.-ju do New Yorka te nazad u Michigen. Kada je Malcolm stekao dovoljno novaca preselio se u New York kod rođaka. Uskoro je postao nasilnik, svodnik i diler drogom – a kasnije i ovisnik. Postao je jedan od najopasnijih nasilnika na ulicama harlemskog podzemlja. Godine 1946. uhapšen je i osuđen na deset godina zatvora zbog provale. Krađom se bavio kako bi mogao nabaviti novac za drogu. Godine 1952. pušten je iz zatvora i nešto kasnije pridružio se pokretu Nacija islama (Nation of Islam).
Goethe war Muslim
Friday, June 10th, 2011Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (Frankfurt am Main (Hessen), 28. august 1749. – Weimar 22. mart 1832.) njemački književnik i mislilac.
Studirao je pravo u Leipzigu i Strassburgu. Na poziv vojvode Karla Augusta odlazi u Weimar, gdje postaje tajni savjetnik, a 1780. slobodni zidar weimarske lože Anna Amalia, dobija plemstvo i postaje Kammerpräsident. Bio je i upravitelj weimarskog teatra.
Putuje po Njemačkoj i Švicarskoj, bavi se naučnim studijama, te se druži s Herderom i Schillerom. Svoju književnu karijeru započeo je u okrilju književnog pokreta Sturm und Drang. Njegovo djelo obuhvaća gotovo sve književne rodove i nekoliko naučnih područja. Mnogobrojni su uzori i uticaji: svjetski klasici, književnost rokokoa, narodna poezija različitih naroda, široko područje historije, teologije, filozofije, teorije umjetnosti i prirodnih nauka. Nakon što se oduševio “Hasanaginicom” bio je prvi koji je preveo na njemački jezik, i samim tim promovisao je njemačkoj književnoj javnosti.
Nametnuo se savremenicima kao obnovitelj lirike, drame, epa, romana, te učenjak izuzetno oštrog i dubokog uvida u strukturu i fenomene prirode. Još za života postao je spomenik njemačkog klasičnog humanizma.
Tito, da… Josip Broz
Wednesday, August 25th, 2010Pitanje tajne groba Josipa Broza Tita dugo posle njegove smrti niko nije smeo naglas da postavi, ali su se mnogi pitali zašto na Brozovom grobu, tog velikog komuniste, socijaliste i samoupravljača, nije postavljena crvena petokraka.